The Power of A Testimony: How One Woman’s Testimony Brought Healing To Many More

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  • The Power of A Testimony: How One Woman’s Testimony Brought Healing To Many More

Lately, I’ve been reflecting on the story of the woman with the issue of blood, found in Matthew 9:20-22, Mark 5:25-34, and Luke 8:43-48. Until recently, I assumed her condition referred to a disease like leukemia. I was mistaken. It actually refers to chronic menstruation—an understanding that profoundly changed my perspective on her suffering.

This revelation opened my eyes to the depth of her suffering—the rejection, the stigma, and the isolation she was probably forced to live in for 12 years.

You see, under Jewish law (Leviticus 15:19-30), prolonged bleeding rendered her perpetually unclean. This meant:

  • People avoided her for fear of impurity.
  • She lacked human touch—no hugs, no simple gestures of comfort.
  • She was likely rejected by family, friends, and society.

Twelve years of suffering. Twelve years of loneliness. Twelve years of being labeled “unclean.” Her emotional burden must have been overwhelming.

Mark 5:26 tells us:

She had suffered a great deal from many doctors, and over the years she had spent everything she had to pay them, but she had gotten no better. In fact, she had gotten worse.” (NLT)

This verse resonated deeply with me. It speaks of desperation—of trying everything, spending everything, and watching the situation only worse.

  • She was financially drained, possibly leaving her destitute.
  • She may have been unable to work, especially if her profession involved social interaction.
  • If she was once married, her husband may have divorced her due to her condition (since sexual relations would have been forbidden). If unmarried, she likely had little hope of marriage or stability.

And what about the deep stagnation she must have felt—watching life move forward while she remained stuck in isolation, longing for the simple joys of companionship and purpose?

She must have missed so much—weddings, births, funerals. The everyday joys of life. Did she cry out to God? Did she ask the priests to pray for her? Did she offer sacrifices, hoping for healing?

Why Does God Allow Suffering

In my reflection of what she went through, I wrestled with a difficult question: Why would God allow her to endure twelve years of suffering? And this led me to an even deeper question: Why does God allow any of us to endure pain?

Throughout the Bible, we see God ‘leave’ His people in difficult circumstances. Joseph endured betrayal and imprisonment. Hannah suffered years of longing for a child. Sarah waited twenty-five years for a promised child, well past her childbearing years. The Israelites endured 400 years of slavery.

I haven’t read the entire Bible yet, but I am sure more questions like these will arise as I do. However, as I pondered the woman with the issue of blood, I found an answer in an unexpected place.

A Divine Appointment in Gennesaret

After feeding the five thousand, Jesus instructed His disciples to set sail for Capernaum (John 6:16) while he went to the mountainside to pray (Matthew 14:23). But Matthew 14:24 notes that the boat was “buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it” (NIV). And probably as a result of this, they landed in Gennesaret instead.

Knowing from Romans 8: 28 :

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. (NKJV)

Why did God redirect them there?

Matthew 14:35-36 provides the answer:

When the men of that place recognized Jesus, they sent word to all the surrounding country. People brought all their sick to Him and begged Him to let the sick just touch the edge of His cloak, and all who touched it were healed.” (NIV)

Why would they beg to touch the hem of His cloak? Where had they heard that before?

The Power of a Testimony

A testimony is a personal account of experiencing God’s grace and power—shared to encourage others to trust in Him. Imagine what happened after the woman with the issue of blood was healed.

She likely returned home, and word must have spread quickly:

“Did you hear? After twelve years, she was healed!”

And when people asked how, the answer was clear:

“She touched the hem of the cloak of a man named Jesus.”

And so, when Jesus arrived in Gennesaret, people knew exactly what to do. They brought their sick, and they, too, touched the hem of His cloak. And all who did were healed.

So, why did God allow her to suffer for twelve years? For His glory.

Her pain became the reason hundreds of others were healed. And even today, thousands of years later, we still speak of her faith. Songs have been written, prayers have been uttered, and faith has been strengthened—all because of one woman who dared to believe, after twelve years of suffering, that healing was still possible.

Her story reminds us that our pain is never wasted. God, in His perfect wisdom, can use even our deepest struggles to bring healing, restoration, and faith to others.



with love,

girl unglassed

Here’s a little sprinkle of heavenly love for you!!!

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